
The Coven Of The Teutonic Order ThexDarkness carries the Mark of Coven Master slipknotbabe356

Knowledge is power but ignorance is bliss
Set at 17:35 on February 10, 2017

Vampire Rave member for 12 years.

Status:  Unclean Spirit (39.98)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  The Coven Of The Teutonic Order
Mentorship Pupil of The Misfits.
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  TwistedRain
Gender:  Unspecified
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden


Bite ThexDarkness

Stalk ThexDarkness



Not afraid of the Dark are you?

Well how shall I introduce myself, Well I am a power hungry knowledge seeker, I am interested in the human condition and would like to see what it could evolve into with proper prodding.

I am interested in the occult as well as biology and psychology.

The human brain and body while obviously pathetic and weak is fascinating, with the right amount of fear the human body is capable of wonderous things. I will get more into this in a section further down the page.

I'm someone who can be described as amoral but its more like casual indifference, some things are just more imprtant than ethics. I have a strong hunger to understand everything, knowledge is power and I want it all, and it doesn't matter who or what I have to step on to get it. I enjoy dissecting things just to understand what makes them tick, I like exposing them to fear and pain so I can see the reactions.
My ultimate goal and desires are to gain enough power, any type of power, be it simply influence, political or even military; My second desire is to revert the world back to a time when survival was of the fittest and not who has got the biggest gun. I will allow some tribes to be established since that was a healthy sized society.
As much as I dislike humanity in general, I do respect anyone who is strong willed, intelligent and those who can see the truth in things. And especially those who can make choices regardless of their law and society.

My Interests:


I have a very strong interest in biology and how things work, so I decided to make a journal about a list of predators that are so good at what they do that they have not evolved much at all.

Let us start with some apex predators, sharks. Technically the orca is but sharks are just more....preferrable really.

Sharks have been around for roughly 420 million years ago and there is more than 400 species of sharks around the world.

Sharks have a very keen sense of smell with some species able to detect as little as one part per million of blood in seawater.

The largest shark which is the whale shark is actually not deadly, however some of the deadliest sharks can grow (though not very common) to be near or over 20ft.

The best know sharks are:
The Great White.
Tiger Shark.
Mako Shark.
Blue Shark.
Bull shark.
Hammerhead Shark.

Bull sharks are able to swim in fresh waters, which makes them very deadly as they can swim up rivers and catch humans by surprise.

Mako sharks are the fastest sharks, able to swim up to or even over 40mph and jump around over 24 ft in the air.

The Great White Shark, also known as Carcharodon Carcharias and White Death is one of the most famous and infamous sharks out there, it's large size and fearsome shape have contributed to it's reputation, however, the film Jaws also gave it a lot of infamy. The shark's size can exceed 20 ft and is perhaps the largest predatory fish. Great Whites have a very sensitive sense to electromagnetic fields caused by movements, this allows them to track their prey more easily. A 20 ft shark's bite force was able to exert a bite force of 18,000 newtons.
A great white only has one predator, the Orca though encounters are apparently rare.

Tiger Sharks have a reputation for eating anything so long as it can fit in their mouths, the tiger shark is one of the most dangerous sharks to humans and is second on the list of most

Speaking of Tigers, did you know that tigers apparently have the strength of ten men? One Tiger was able to move a dead buffalo meters while many men could not make it budge at all.
Tigers are capable of killing Crocodiles and there has been cases where Tigers go into the water to drag them out, a marvelous feat when one thinks how the Crocodile has more of an advantage in the water.

Humans now, Humans are fragile creatures and just like other animals, they feel fear and pain but probably more so than most. Humans are no longer predators, they do not even occupy the middle of the food chain never mind the top. Despite their fragility, there is a potential that is untapped or at least only tapped into during moments of crisis. I will explain more on it in the psychology part.

Its not just the biological systems I study to understand things, I enjoy looking into the mind, tearing it apart for answers.
The psyche is an amazing machine of flesh, it can make one an individual but unfortunately, humans like to copy each other and become sheep instead of wolves.

The human body is weak but has potential but its the mind that can unlock it and fear and pain is the key.

Ever see what adrenaline can do? or the flight or fight response? It can give someone enough strength to lift a car and a car weighs probably about a ton more or less depending on size etc.

Imagine if people could have permanent access to that strength, unfortunately there are side effects, the human body cannot cope with that stress for more than a few minutes which is why humans are purposely designed wth biologically limit in strength.

How I rate.

Here is the scale I go by:

  • 0: I will not rate a blank space most times. Sorry but if I am going to rate I want to be rating the content. If I do it is a very low rating but changed when updates are done.

  • 1-3: You left a sentence, are rather offensive or simply piss me off when reading your profile. Or, you're asking to be turned or trying to start fights with your rating comments. Have some sense, you don't leave a MySpace or Facebook blank... do ya?

  • 4-8: You have a background and the font works well with it, which includes the color. If you're a PM your forbidden sheet works well on the browser I'm using though if it doesn't I might try another browser.

  • 9: Your profile is almost perfect, and everything works well together. If there's background music I liked what I heard or was able to mute. You put a lot of work into this but it's not quite perfect.

  • 10: RARE from me now. You have to have an impressive profile for me to just drop a 10 on you, or you're one of 2: Coven/Alliance members or you're on my friends list. The highest is not and should not be automatic.

  • Here are the exceptions.

  • If you have nothing but pictures on your profile I will rate you a 1.

  • If you are pretending to be who are what you are not you get a 1.

  • Twilight annoys me, but I'm fair here. If it's all obsessing about the 'sparkling vampires' or werewolves and nothing about yourself you get a 1. Any of the retarded 'Team' shit gets you a 1 as well.

  • Ask to be turned and you get a 1. No one can be turned into a vampire with a bite, piercing the jugular vein and draining one's blood from it can KILL YOU.

  • Claim to be 1000 or more years old and I'll rate you a 1. No one lives that long, you're no exception.

  • Racist bullshit on your profile will get you a 1.If you rate back with a threatening comment I'll block you and report it to an admin. This is the 21st century, not the dark ages. That shit does not belong here or anywhere else. As I'm not an admin I cannot suspend for this but you WILL however be rated low.

  • Revenge rating gets you an automatic, not to mention permanent 1. I will not consider changing the rating score I gave you no matter how many times you ask or no matter how much it bothers you that I don't.

  • If you block me and we have never spoken you automatically get a 1 and your block returned, if I have rated you before or not.

  • I rate all permanently suspended profiles a 1. If banned you violated the rules and were punished by being kicked from the site permanently- what is left of you will not be treated kindly by me at all.

  • If you add me to your friends list or favorite journals list please tell me as I would like to quickly return the favor if you do.

    Member Since: Mar 12, 2012
    Last Login: Sep 22, 2017
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